Tag Archives: domestic violence

The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-11)
To institutionalize our work, we have made our resources and tools available to all on the Disability Independence Group Inc. website under Projects and on the Miami Inclusion Alliance YouTube channel.

The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-10)
The #1Thing campaign challenges each of us to identify new ways to move forward together towards ending domestic violence.
It recognizes how each one of us can make a difference.
It reminds us that we each have a voice and that voice can make a difference and that change can start with each of us doing just one thing.

The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-09)
Domestic violence takes many forms, including chronic arguing, yelling, intimidation, threats, serious injury and threats of murder. It is any pattern of behavior that is seeking destructive control.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have reported that in homes where violence between partners occurs, there is a 45% to 60% chance of co-occurring child abuse.

The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-08)
Stalking can include unwanted following or approaching, unwanted use of tracking or monitoring using technology, unwanted phone calls, texts, emails. It can be anything that is a pattern of harassing or threatening, that causes unwanted fear or safety concerns in a victim.
The problem is huge with about 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men reporting experiencing stalking at some point in their lives. (National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey)

The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-06)
Grooming is not just used by abusers against children with disabilities, but is often used against younger children, teens, and even vulnerable adults.

The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-05)
We must train all of those who may interface with children with disabilities on this topic and give them the resources they need to recognize abuse and stop it.

The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-04)
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, otherwise known as SAAM. Sexual assault is an issue that affects our entire community. The goal of SAAM is to raise awareness about sexual violence. During this month, people across the United States raise awareness about sexual violence, how to prevent it, and how to support those who are affected by it.

Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-03)
We have come a long way over the last 100 plus years but there is still much to be done to ensure a fully inclusive system of care for battered women. We still need the Battered Women’s Movement. We still have work to do.

Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-02)
According to the last U.S. Department of State’s Trafficking In Persons Report, persons with disabilities are one of the groups most at risk of being trafficked.

The under-reporting of sexual assault
The crime of sexual assault is under-reported. This is particularly true if you are a victim with a disability.

Parenting with a Disability
We are now 29 years after the passage of the ADA, and Buck v. Bell has never been overturned, and several states still have some form of involuntary sterilization laws on their books.

Lessons From the Humiliation and Death of Sandra Faye Twiggs
On Sunday April 15, 2018, Judge Merrilee Ehrlich stripped any shred of dignity or humanity from a 59 year-old woman, who appeared before her, in her first appearance before the court after being arrested. In as much as the video and the transcript demonstrate how unhinged Judge Ehrlich acted towards this women, and how the Court staff and lawyers, like palace eunuchs, allow such unabated behavior to continue. However, the outrage from the surface must be examined, and lead to thorough introspection and change, and not merely the retirement and resignation of this long-time judge.
DIG Builds Partnerships
In 2016 DIG Builds Partnerships at the INTERSECTION of Domestic Violence and Disability In 2016, one of DIG’s greatest accomplishments was becoming part of the solution for the serious problem of access to domestic violence and sexual assault services for persons with disabilities. We did this by spending the year building partnerships with three… Read More »
At The Intersection of Disability and Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Myths and Misconceptions
By: Sharon Langer Domestic violence myths and misconceptions abound. Nearly everyone will have some form of preconception on what domestic violence actually is; why abusers abuse and why victims are victimized. In the same way as we tend to have a stereotypical picture of what domestic abuse is, we have similar pictures of what… Read More »
Facts on Domestic violence and the workplace
By Sharon Langer On average, four or five women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends each day and women experience two million incidents of intimate partner violence each year. It only makes sense that domestic violence spills over into the workplace. It can be in-person harassment or phone calls, absenteeism because of injuries… Read More »
The First Steps to Ending Domestic Violence
UNDERSTANDING is the first step to ending domestic violence and sexual assault By: Sharon Langer Persons with disabilities are victimized at a rate three times higher than persons without disabilities. In 2012, 1.3 million violent crimes, that included rape and physical assault, occurred against persons with disabilities. If you are a woman, or have… Read More »
Domestic Violence and the Deaf
By: Sharon Langer The deaf and hard of hearing world is unique because of the difficulty in communicating with others. The world of the victim of domestic violence is also one of isolation and lack of access to the outside world. A batterer typically isolates their victim to instill dependency. When you combine… Read More »