Tag Archives: disabilities

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Register to Vote.

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Be Election Ready in 2024. The deadline to register for an upcoming election is 29 days before that election.

voting button in red white and blue with stars and strips and 2024 in the middle

March 19, 2024, is the Presidential Preference Primary Election in Florida.

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Be Election Ready in 2024. This year only registered Republicans voters are eligible to vote in the Presidential Preference Primary Election in Florida.

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The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-11)

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

To institutionalize our work, we have made our resources and tools available to all on the Disability Independence Group Inc. website under Projects and on the Miami Inclusion Alliance YouTube channel.

tracey wearing a bright blue sweater smiling and standing next to a wall

3 Important Steps to Enjoying the Holidays

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

There may be extra things involved to ensure that you have an enjoyable time. Know that it’s worth it when you’re enjoying your event. Will there be times when you have to decline an invitation because you’re not up to it or the logistics are too challenging? Yes, and it’s ok. It’s important that you take good care so that you can enjoy all the wonders of this holiday season!

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The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-10)

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

The #1Thing campaign challenges each of us to identify new ways to move forward together towards ending domestic violence.
It recognizes how each one of us can make a difference.
It reminds us that we each have a voice and that voice can make a difference and that change can start with each of us doing just one thing.

justine sitting in her car smiling wearing a black dress

The View From Here (23-10)

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

If I can go, in my wheelchair, after all of the medical issues and tests I had just been through, and get my mammogram, so can you. I know it can be scary. I know it’s a hassle. I know you have to find the time, I know you have a million things to do and you really don’t want to do it. But early detection is the key. If there is something there, you need to know now so you can take care of it and keep your life going. And, most importantly, keep on living…Just like I did!

let people vote with a check mark

Voting Resources 2023

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

We are heading into the election season, and we want everyone to be prepared, get registered, and have plenty of time to learn about the candidates, the issues, and all of the ways that you can vote.

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HHS announces a historic notice of proposed rulemaking for section 504!

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

HHS announces a historic notice of proposed rulemaking for section 504!
Below is a summary of this important update and what it means for people with disabilities.
There will be a public comment period for this proposed rule. The comment period will be open for 60 days for members of the public to provide comments. The comments must be received on or before November 13, 2023.

justine sitting in her car smiling wearing a black dress

The View From Here (23-09)

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

As much as I’ve progressed in my journey living with SCI, battled paralysis, fought with everything I possibly could to walk once again, and as much as I am grateful for this new life that has given me tremendous perspective and an outlook of gratitude, the likes of which I’d never known before; the memory of this day, the day I fell, the year that followed and how my life changed in an instant, brings up a lot of emotions for me. And a ton of tears.

Alex standing in front of palm trees smiling and wearing a black dress

SuperHuman Hope

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Over the last 7 years I have learned to hope. I hope for the day my patients are treated with the same kindness and respect they give. I hope for the day considerations for buildings, airplanes, outdoor spaces, events, and homes include accessibility for all. I hope for the day the public sees someone who moves differently from them as an asset to our society. I hope for the inspiring moments where my patients take back some of their autonomy and begin to command their resilient ever-beating superpower: Hope, and harness control of their lives.

Dwight outside in his wheelchair smiling and wearing sunglasses

Positivity after SCI

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

“The most interesting man in the world” is what my friends would joke around with me and say. Son, brother, husband, father of two young children. Pilot, airframe and powerplant mechanic, marine seaman, operations manager. Life was full. Full of adventure and full of promise. One bite, and in a moment, it took a turn for what could be perceived as the most daunting and uncertain life ahead.

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The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-08)

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Stalking can include unwanted following or approaching, unwanted use of tracking or monitoring using technology, unwanted phone calls, texts, emails. It can be anything that is a pattern of harassing or threatening, that causes unwanted fear or safety concerns in a victim.
The problem is huge with about 1 in 3 women and 1 in 6 men reporting experiencing stalking at some point in their lives. (National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey)

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Parenting with a Disability

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Florida, and many other states, have a policy that, before removing a child from the home, the state must exhaust all reasonable efforts to ensure that families remain unified and must give parents with disabilities reasonable accommodations to do so.

logo for the celebration of the 33rd anniversary of the ADA

ADA 33

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public.

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DID YOU KNOW?: HURRICANE SEASON (emergency shelters)

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

In the case of an evacuation, you must be prepared to go to a safe zone or transport yourself to an emergency shelter. Emergency shelters accept all people of all abilities as long as they are open, but if you require additional assistance you may want to look into the Emergency and Evacuation Assistance Program (EEAP) or registering at a Special Needs Shelter.

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Featured Issue: Elevators & Elevators in Parking Garages

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

An alternative option should be provided immediately when an accessible element is not available. A governmental entity must make its programs or services, and a public accommodation must make its goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations, available through alternative methods such as (1) providing curb service or home delivery; (2) retrieving merchandise from inaccessible shelves or racks; and (3) relocating activities to accessible locations.

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The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-06)

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Grooming is not just used by abusers against children with disabilities, but is often used against younger children, teens, and even vulnerable adults.

justine sitting in her car smiling wearing a black dress

The View From Here (23-06)

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

My frustration is not that elevators break. I understand that things happen. My frustration is that there seems to never, ever be an adequate solution or alternative offered to those of us who cannot take the stairs if an elevator is broken. So, what do we do? Just deal with it?

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The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-05)

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

We must train all of those who may interface with children with disabilities on this topic and give them the resources they need to recognize abuse and stop it.

Sabrina One

My Experience as an Intern at DIG

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Working at DIG has been an extremely valuable experience for me. I was able to receive a hands-on experience in the non-profit world. I still remember my first meeting at DIG with my coworkers Debbie and Justine. They jumped right into the meeting and had me following along. They explained that they want me doing the work with them, so I was thrown right into the mix. I followed along in the meeting, asked questions, and was given my first assignments. This was the best thing that could have been done for me because it allowed me to contribute to the non-profit while learning about all of the work that I was doing simultaneously.