Category Archives: disability

Self advocacy: Recognizing your own power
I didn’t have an easy childhood and there are a lot of painful memories looking back on it. However, I think this one carries a particular sting because it was my first realization that I was different, and my life wasn’t going to be “normal.” It was also in this moment that I began to recognize my own power.

ADA 33
The ADA is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public.

The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-07)
There are many definitions of advocates. They can be individuals who defend a cause, or who promote the interests of a cause, or those who support the cause for another.
The MIA liaisons are a combination of all three, they defend, promote, and support others. The impact they are making on the DV/SA system of care has been extraordinary.

Featured Issue: Elevators & Elevators in Parking Garages
An alternative option should be provided immediately when an accessible element is not available. A governmental entity must make its programs or services, and a public accommodation must make its goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, or accommodations, available through alternative methods such as (1) providing curb service or home delivery; (2) retrieving merchandise from inaccessible shelves or racks; and (3) relocating activities to accessible locations.

The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-06)
Grooming is not just used by abusers against children with disabilities, but is often used against younger children, teens, and even vulnerable adults.

The View From Here (23-06)
My frustration is not that elevators break. I understand that things happen. My frustration is that there seems to never, ever be an adequate solution or alternative offered to those of us who cannot take the stairs if an elevator is broken. So, what do we do? Just deal with it?

Miami Herald 5/19/23 Op-Ed–Take Steps
An adequate transportation system that provides equal access is an essential component to ensuring persons with disabilities can live independently.

The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-05)
We must train all of those who may interface with children with disabilities on this topic and give them the resources they need to recognize abuse and stop it.

My Experience as an Intern at DIG
Working at DIG has been an extremely valuable experience for me. I was able to receive a hands-on experience in the non-profit world. I still remember my first meeting at DIG with my coworkers Debbie and Justine. They jumped right into the meeting and had me following along. They explained that they want me doing the work with them, so I was thrown right into the mix. I followed along in the meeting, asked questions, and was given my first assignments. This was the best thing that could have been done for me because it allowed me to contribute to the non-profit while learning about all of the work that I was doing simultaneously.

The View From Here (23-05)
Since my spinal cord injury in 2014, I’ve really come to admire those of us who live every day with a disability and share the struggles we face, as well as the milestones. Someone very dear to me said recently, “When you win, you always celebrate the victory, but when you don’t win, you learn from the loss.” That’s what I’ve taken from sharing my challenges, and what I’ve learned from my fellow spinal cord injury survivors who share theirs. We can often learn more from our struggles than from our triumphs. And we can certainly help others along the way, just by doing so.

Did You Know? Emergency and Evacuation Assistance Program (EEAP)
The Emergency and Evacuation Assistance Program (EEAP) provides free transportation and evacuation assistance for those who have access or functional needs. Specifically, the EEAP provides specialized transportation, safe shelter, medical monitoring, and wellness checks for those who may have extra medical needs.

A win for Dominion is a win for the disability community.
One of the fundamental rights of our democracy is the right to independently and privately mark, cast, and verify a ballot. Several laws have been passed to ensure that people with disabilities have these same voting rights. However, many voters with disabilities still do not have equal access and choice for the voting method that they prefer.

The Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-04)
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, otherwise known as SAAM. Sexual assault is an issue that affects our entire community. The goal of SAAM is to raise awareness about sexual violence. During this month, people across the United States raise awareness about sexual violence, how to prevent it, and how to support those who are affected by it.

Chasing Autism Acceptance
I have a dream where I move my with my children and my husband to an island. The world is tiny and easy. I am always with my five favorite people with no societal judgement. Then, I realize that humans crave connection with other humans. I crave connection. My husband craves connection. My children crave connection. It would be unfair to limit my kids’ connection, because humans are hard-wired to enjoy the company of other humans. We just have to figure out novels ways to get that connection.

Did You Know? Hurricane Season (emergency kit)
An emergency kit is a toolbox that should be catered to each individual’s needs. It should contain items you will need in your daily life, and it is recommended that at minimum, you pack enough to last you three days to a week’s worth of necessities.

Martin Richard, Recreational Sports, and Community Building
I have played sports all my life, and they have allowed me to make some of my best friends. Recreational sports are such a great community building outlet which is why I wanted to remain involved once I entered college. At the University of Miami, I now play on a Special Olympics Unified team and compete against other schools playing alongside individuals from my community that I would have never met otherwise. It has truly been such a great experience, and it is all thanks to my hometown.

Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-03)
We have come a long way over the last 100 plus years but there is still much to be done to ensure a fully inclusive system of care for battered women. We still need the Battered Women’s Movement. We still have work to do.

The View From Here (23-02)
Balancing our work and finding time for family and friends…and, most importantly, finding time for ourselves. It doesn’t have to take a person who is recovering from a disability to experience that. We all struggle with finding a work and life balance.

Black History Through the Lens of Disabilities
As we have seen, there is a large intersectionality between being Black and having a disability. These two identities are not separate, rather overlapping entities that can help to raise awareness and equality for one another.

Miami Inclusion Alliance (23-02)
According to the last U.S. Department of State’s Trafficking In Persons Report, persons with disabilities are one of the groups most at risk of being trafficked.