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black and white headshot of justine smiling at the camera

The View From Here (25-03)

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

I paused for a moment. The memories of being up there in that bed, wishing for a normal life, flooded my mind. And here I was now, in that same spot I looked down on a decade ago, actually that life I was wishing for. I remembered all that it took to get here. All of the struggles, all of the pain, all of the time and the heartbreak I had endured over these ten years to walk again and to just live my life again.

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Benefits – 25-03

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

The Student Earned Income Exclusion (SEIE) is a special work incentive for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients who are students. It allows young individuals to work and earn income without immediately affecting their SSI benefits. This incentive helps students gain work experience while maintaining financial stability.

Taking Action How you can make a difference

Taking Action: How You Can Make a Difference

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Every day, we’re flooded with news, updates, and changes happening in our communities and across the country. It can feel overwhelming. You might even wonder if one person can really make a difference. The answer is absolutely yes! Your involvement matters.

Taking Action How you can make a difference

Find Your Local Elected Officials

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Taking Action: How You Can Make a Difference — How to Find Your Local Elected Officials

Taking Action How you can make a difference

Find Your U.S. Representative

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Taking Action: How You Can Make a Difference — How to Find Your U.S. Representative

Taking Action How you can make a difference

Find Your U.S. Senator

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Taking Action: How You Can Make a Difference — How to Find Your U.S. Senator

a bottle of pills open with all different types of pills spilling out

Filling Your Prescription Medication – Helpful Tips

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Before You Go to the Pharmacy Gather necessary information: Have your prescription, insurance card (if applicable), and any relevant discount cards or coupons ready. Be sure to bring your photo ID or driver’s license. The pharmacy may ask for identification if the meds are for pain. Check for refills: If you’re needing a refill,… Read More »

erin smiling wearing a plaid shirt on a big rock with a blue sky behind her

Year One on the Spectrum: Reflections from a Late-Diagnosed Autistic

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

I would have probably been one of those people that would be surprised to hear someone say they found out they were on the autism spectrum in their 30s, but then just after turning 34, I got the “news” that I too am on this wide and usually misunderstood spectrum of neurodivergence, and I’d slipped through the cracks the entire time.

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Benefits 25-02

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Your Path to Financial Independence: These work incentives are designed to encourage employment without the fear of immediately losing vital benefits. Additionally, the Ticket to Work (TTW) program provides free employment support services, helping individuals with disabilities find and maintain meaningful jobs.

Kat and a friend with Owen Wilson

Take These Chances

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

The biggest and most recent example was signing on to being an extra for the full-length feature film starring, none other than, Owen Wilson. This experience, though incredible and surreal, is my biggest example of how we can let go of our insecurities and wheel towards a life that we never dreamed of.

kat with her ms. wheelchair florida sash

Katherine Magnoli Biography

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Katherine’s passion for writing is lifelong. What started out simply as a hobby, evolved into an avenue for her to express her emotions as she faced bullying and ostracization as a person with a disability living in a small town that had little to no diversity.

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Benefits 25-01

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

SSA work incentives are designed to provide financial security while you test your ability to work. These programs support individuals aged 14 to 65 who want to enter or reenter the workforce, pursue career goals, and achieve financial independence.

black and white headshot of justine smiling at the camera

The View From Here (24-11)

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

I realize now, that in all of the tools in my toolbelt I’ve developed over 10 years of living with a disability, including learning to walk again, learning to drive using hand controls, navigating life using a mobility device; I was severely lacking in one basic tool that would assist me in a dangerous situation such as the one I was faced with last month. What do I do, as a person living with a disability, when I feel threatened?

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Disability Designs Etc.

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Our goal is to engage people both in and out of the disability community to consider various issues faced in society by persons with disabilities. The hope is that these products can be an avenue for dialogue to be initiated so that questions some people may have can be answered and we can all have the chance to have a better understanding of how things affect one another in our society.

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Benefits 24-11

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

The intent of asset building initiatives is that as individuals develop assets, they will be able to move out of poverty and remain out of poverty.

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Benefits 24-10

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

If you are a person with a disability and pursuing employment, you are not alone. You can find many agencies providing employment support and help you to reach your vocational goal.

voting button in red white and blue with stars and strips and 2024 in the middle

Vote 2024 – Poll Worker Recruitment

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Poll workers are the greatest resource for ensuring elections that are fair, accurate, transparent, and accessible for all voters of Miami-Dade County.

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Vote 2024 – Your Plan to Vote

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

Now that the date to register to vote has passed, it is time to work on a plan to vote.

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Voting 2024 – Florida Amendments

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

This year, we have six (6) amendments on the ballot on November 5, 2024.

black and white headshot of justine smiling at the camera

The View From Here (24-09)

By Disability Independence Group, Inc. |

I am reflective today of the challenges I’ve faced, the tremendous obstacles I’ve overcome and the enormous opportunities that have come my way because of all of it.